Tag Archives: Cameroon

Deecy Ngombey

Deecy Ngombey

Meet DeeCy a singer, song-writer, and music Producer out of Cameroon. The young talent has just released a music video for his single Ngombey. The video helmed by Archaic studios..
From France to Cameroon

From France to Cameroon

On November 13 2015, Paris was hit by a series of attacks that left 130 people dead and more than three hundreds wounded. As news of the story spread and..
Q&A with Dr. Mading Wa

Q&A with Dr. Mading Wa

You can read the french version here  “I’ve been living with my boyfriend for 4 years now, we have one 2 year old child. Since the birth of my daughter,..
#Domptezlefoulard: Join the movement

#Domptezlefoulard: Join the movement

Dominique Hodieb est la co-fondatrice de #237 Street Fashion project et du mouvement #DomptezleFoulard. Le digital tient une place particulière dans la vie et la carrière de Dominique, elle admet..
Faire le show et l’effroi.

Faire le show et l’effroi.

Ici, au sud Cameroun, la température n’excède pas 26 degrés celsius. Il fait frais, de cette fraîcheur qui vous durcit le bout des mamelons. Pourtant, nous avons chaud. Et pour..